Olivier 6th February 2020

It's hard to find the right words. I owe him so much. First, professionally speaking, he was a real mentor. I will always remember our first contact (back in 2012), when he pushed me to present my project to the community. And then his constant support, helping me to navigate through complex ecosystems, who Lars knew very well. I was always impressed by his incredible large network of people he knows and also being really appreciated everywhere. Then, on the personal side, I was always eager to meet him during various events. He even took the time to visit our offices in Grenoble few months ago. We had a great moment there, he discovered our local alcohol (Chartreuse) and we laughed a lot. You can enter a room crowded with 1000 people, you'll instantly recognize Lars' laugh! Then, every time, I smiled because I knew he was there. I'll miss you Lars, professionally and more importantly, personally. Olivier.